Zucchini, Sauteed

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girlHeather says:

The ability to sauté, or cook over high heat with a small amount of fat, is a great method for bringing out great flavors in simple foods.  Typically zucchini is a summer vegetable, but there was a bag in the marked down produce for a dollar.  Who can pass that up?


Sautéed Zucchini


This is a method, not an exact recipe, this is what you’ll need .

~ 2 TBSP  olive or vegetable oil

minced garlic




Cut the zucchini into similar sized pieces.  As this is a quick cooking method you need the pieces to be relatively the same side to ensure even cooking.

Heat a skillet over medium heat (if you have teflon pans skip this step, as it is possible to create toxic fumes by overheating teflon) then add a small amount of oil to the pan.  If the oil starts to smoke, your pan was too hot; start over.

Add the  garlic, followed by the zucchini in a single layer.  If you have more zucchini than room in the pan, cook it in batches.  You can “hold” the food in a covered dish in a 200F degree oven, while you finish the second batch.

Stir occasionally but not constantly. Over medium high heat, zucchini cut about 1/2″ thick should take about ten minutes to cook.

We like to top ours with grated parmesan.

Other ideas: instead of garlic  try herbs such as rosemary, oregano,or basil, depending on the flavoring of your main dish.  Experiment, but use some restraint, I wouldn’t use rosemary  on taco night.  Cilantro on the other hand . . .


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6 thoughts on “Zucchini, Sauteed”

  1. My mother used to make something very much like this when I was a kid. i used to love it, but I can never seem to cook it right. I have the ingredients, I have the right pan and I sure as heck have the desire, but it never comes out quite like she used to make.

    Maybe I should try your variation!


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