How to clean granite countertops

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Dear Home-Ec 101,
Can someone tell me why one of the hardest substances on earth is so picky about what it’s cleaned with? Seriously, new house, new countertops, new to granite. How do you clean AND disinfect safely on granite?


kitchen with white cabinets, silver appliances, and granite countertops

Granite is a very hard surface, but it is also a very porous surface that comes sealed to keep them shiny and help them to resist staining. This means that some of the things that we would think are okay to use on them, like vinegar, Windex or bleach will dull the granite and weaken the sealant.

Clean Granite Countertops

For daily cleaning, all you need is warm water and a little dish detergent. However, as we write this, we’re still in the midst of a global pandemic, with the added bonus of flu and RSV running roughshod over the US, so we’re also sharing how to disinfect your granite so that you can try and keep your household healthy and happy.

The best thing we have found for disenfecting, and that experts agree on is a homemade granite cleaning mixture. In a spray bottle, pour one-half cup of 70% isopropyl rubbing alcohol, one-half teaspoon of dish soap, and one-and-a-half cups of warm water. Swirl to combine the mixture. The disinfecting properties of alcohol, coupled with the de-greasing powers of dish soap, will deliver a one-two punch to banish bacteria and grime from the granite surface.

If you want to add a little something to your mixture, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. We prefer citrus here, and since the oils are pH neutral, they won’t harm the porous stone.

If you clean your countertops and their shine is still missing, you may want to consider a polish made for granite that will reseal them, or ask a professional to come in and do the job for you. It’s almost time for Lisa to clean and seal her countertops and she will do a how-to for us in the coming months.

keeping the kitchen clean
Click the picture for more tips!

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4 thoughts on “How to clean granite countertops”

  1. Oh man, I am SO glad I happened upon this post! My husband and I are looking into granite counter tops for our kitchen…I wasn’t even AWARE that granite needed to be cleaned differently…duh…I just though you could wipe her down and go. I’m glad I read this before I just used any ole cleaner on the new counter!!!

  2. there is a vast range of granite and marble cleaners which can be very useful but i would just recommend hot soapy water just to remove any smudges then just apply a good granite spay which will leave a high gloss finish and a protective layer on your worktops.

    granite worktops

  3. To keep granite countertops clean, use a microfiber cloth to dust off countertop surfaces. Wipe down the granite countertops daily and as needed using water. Once a week wipe down with a damp cloth and a stone cleaner formulated with a neutral pH. Never use harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners. They can scratch, pit, and etch the surface of the stone.
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  4. Oh my goodness! This is such a great idea! I have <a href=””>granite countertops il</a> in my house. And I’ve always cleaned them with windex and paper towels. One of my neighbors growing up had granite counter tops and she always used windex and paper towels to clean her granite counter tops, and so thats what I’ve been doing for years. But I love the idea of the 50/50 rubbing alcohol and water, that seems to me, a much more disinfecting cleanser. I love that and cant wait to try it!


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