Countdown to Turkey Day: Final Menu

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Here we are, just under two weeks to Thanksgiving! How is your countdown going? Do you need to play catch-up? Don’t worry; we have you covered. Just click here for everything we have done so far to help you get ready for Thanksgiving without being overwhelmed.

After today, it will start feeling like things are coming together as today we are finalizing the menu.

Do you have your guest list from yesterday? Great, you will need that and your notes on allergies for today.

thanksgiving menu

Get your soft menu plan and spreadsheet with the recipe links. It is time to go through your recipes with a careful eye to ensure that there are no allergy concerns for your guests.

Thanksgiving Menu: The Final Countdown

Please note that if someone at your dinner party has celiac or a severe allergy, your responsibility doesn’t stop at just saying, “Ok, there’s no bread in the green bean casserole; I’m good.”

No, you need to check all of the ingredients and read ALL of the labels.

Returning to our green bean casserole example, you would want to notice that the cream of mushroom soup, both the cream of mushroom soup and the fried onions, are not gluten-free. Don’t worry! You can still have a delicious green bean casserole with quick substitutions. You can either buy a gluten-free cream of mushroom soup or make your own using what is referred to as a cup-for-cup replacement gluten-free substitute flour and then use gluten-free fried onions.

Remember you also need to watch for processing warnings, such as this product is made in a plant that also processes x, y, z ingredients, depending on the severity of your guest’s allergy. Communication is key; your guest or their parent knows their needs and should be able to let you know what those are.

If a recipe just doesn’t work without the allergen, you must decide if it is appropriate to serve a menu item that one or more of your guests cannot eat. Is it a situation where you can offer an alternative item? Are there enough other items on the table that this item won’t make that person feel left out? Remember, etiquette is about ensuring everyone is comfortable, and your decision should be based on that.

Now that you have gone through every ingredient and every recipe, you have your final menu for Thanksgiving.

Give it one more look over. How does it look to you? Are you looking forward to the meal? What item are you most looking forward to having?

Past Countdown Turkey Day Posts:

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