Heather says:
So last night as I was scrubbing the bathroom for the house sitter -who has sworn to not publicly embarrass me with any hidden messes she uncovers. I glanced up and realized that the fan has been missed in the great bathroom cleansing ritual, probably since we bought the house. So today I am here to tell you that a broom is quite an effective bathroom fan cleaner, just watch out for falling fuzzies.
I know it’s not Sunday, but ‘fess up anyhow; your comments will entertain me on today’s adventure. Trust me, I’ll need some entertaining.
I know it’s not Sunday, but ‘fess up anyhow; your comments will entertain me on today’s adventure. Trust me, I’ll need some entertaining.
The refrigerator fan. It's a wonder my refrig is still running, but does anyone look down there? Please don't and whatever you do, don't roll it out of its spot!
When we moved into our house on Johns Island last year the landlord said this. You will need to hire an electrician to fix the ceiling fan in living room because the light does not work on it. I took him at his word and never worried about it. During carpet cleaning bonanza time at our home in the last week or so I noticed the ceiling fan was filthy. Up a ladder I went with a BROOM and started cleaning. I took off the fixture and discovered (months later) that there were no lightbulbs in the fixture. Two light bulbs later and a clean fan everything works wonderfully. DOH
Broom rocks in cleaning bathroom fans.Brush is also preferable for me to clean my bathroom.
Our bathroom floor…its been close to a year since its been mopped. Maybe more, but I am pretty sure I have mopped it at least once since moving in 2 years ago. My rule is: when I see visible lint or hair balls it MUST be done. I am also good at not looking at the floor.
Every once in a while, I find a piece…no, a chunk…of dust on the kitchen counter, and make a mental note that I really, really need to clean the shades on the hanging lights in the kitchen. But, somehow, every one of those mental notes that I've made in the last 10 years since we moved in here has gotten thrown out before I got around to it. Yeah, kinda disgusting…
But, I swear I don't have dust bunnies under my bed.
They're dust buffaloes.
Lol…we get dust bears underneath our couches, so don't feel bad. 😉
In last weekend I swept my bathroom and realized that the basin was cut off from its water pipe connection and I passed a stay cation that time in fixing that very problem. It seems same as your experience.
I've never cleaned a baseboard in my entire life. For awhile, I didn't even know what they were, I never paid attention to them. And honestly, I can't figure why we have them. Or quarter round. What's the point of quarter round?
Come to think of it, I can't remember the last time our bathroom fans were cleaned. Eeeww. Guess that's going on my spring cleaning list, along with the vents, replacing the back door, and building some pull-out boxes/drawers for my bottom kitchen cabinets.
The last time I mopped the kitchen and the bathroom was in October. I hate mopping. I sweep, and if there're any nasty spots, I use a rag. Also, I know I'm supposed to do some kind of cleaning/maintenance on the dryer hose to remove potentially fire-hazardous lint, but I don't know what that is, and even if I did, I wouldn't know how. I've lived here for 5 years. (I DO clean out the regular lint trap at every load.)
LOL, if you haven't cleaned that dryer hose in that long you might as well replace it. You'll save a bunch of money and time as your dryer's efficiency will increase dramatically. Also, scrub the dryer lint screen occasionally with a drop of dish soap and a little brush. Rinse really well and let it dry completely before putting back in the dryer. I was facing buying a new dryer when I read that tip; I tried it and the dryer redeemed itself!
My confessional: I haven't done any gift shopping yet!
I will tell you what, I have not even thought of dusting the bathroom fan before. Now I am going to have to check that out. I know every so often I clean off the top of the ceiling fan, and get a bunch of dust bunnies off of that, but I have never cleaned the bathroom fan. This should be interesting. Personally, I like Judy's idea, out of site, out of mind 🙂
The undersides of the kitchen cabinets! One unfortunate incident with a mixer three months ago and just today I noticed that we still had some…remnants. Yuck.
The meat drawer in the fridge was sticking for, oh, maybe 2 weeks ……… so to clean / un-stick it, I had to move the fridge out of its nook. Which meant the guilt piled on for me to clean behind and under the fridge (yuck), then disassemble and clean the fridge drawers and tracks (double yuck). So then, what the heck, I cleaned out the opening to the fan. (oh, my … cat hair clumped together with dist and held in place by grease. TRIPLE YUCK!)
No wonder I don't do this often.
And now you all have reminded me that the bathroom fan, the kitchen ceiling fan, and the dryer hose need to be cleaned, too …………. thanks a bunch! LOL
Okay, I've never even glanced at the bathroom fan, and had no idea I needed to clean the dryer hose…so I guess that's a confession already. I was GOING to say, before realizing I had that to confess, that my microwave, which sits up high in my kitchen cabinetry, really seriously needs to be pulled out and cleaned around. I can look directly under it because it's high and I'm short, and I don't like the look of all that dust. Or rather, I don't like the idea of someone else looking at all that dust and not liking the look of it…Also, the top of the microwave and the top of the fridge are places not to be visited by anyone who values cleanliness…or not by me either because I'm avoiding them. I can't even think about what I'd see on top of the kitchen cabinets…the only saving grace there is that the house is only three years old–not 15, 20, etc…
P.S. It cracks me up that Heather is frantically–that's how I picture it–cleaning for the housesitter. Yes, the person will be in your home checking things out…but still, it's kind of funny because I'll bet most of us would be so paranoid about what this person thinks. It's enough to make me forego even having a housesitter!
Not being superhuman stinks sometimes.
Not as funny as cleaning for the cleaning lady which is what i did lat night.
After I traveled for 5 days, I come home and have to throw in the garbage dump my Fridge.
I forgot to keep the eletricity in my home turned on so all the meat spoiled inside the fridge.
There is anything possible to do to recover a fridge from that kind of mess?
Christine, turn your fridge on really cold and let the meat refreeze, then clean it out with hot soap, water, and possibly bleach to kill any bacteria. When the fridge is cold, you're less likely to smell the grossness. 🙂