Heather says:
Here on the East Coast Sunday afternoon is rolling quickly toward Sunday night. Friday was filled with aspirations for Monday morning. This is the week I’ll start back at the gym. This is the week I’ll get the laundry / food budget / bills under control.
Take a moment and think of what can be done right now to give yourself a smooth transition into the coming week.
Do you need to pack a lunch, plan a menu, finish a project, or find your gym clothes?
What is it you can do right now to prevent the Monday morning excuses?
Tell us in the comments or follow #backontrack on Twitter.
This week I will get every single piece of laundry in my house and wash it. I will, I will, I will.
tonight (sunday) i will be planning the week of house cleaning while the older two children are away from camp for the week 🙂
peace and quiet – lol
Sometimes I think I’d pay good money for a full day alone in my house. Then I realize I’d probably squander it on an all day nap.
My goal this week: to do one productive thing every weekday after work that I normally wouldn’t get around to doing.
I love that! It’s so easy for me to get home from work, do my normal “stuff” and that’s it, I’m done, when, in truth, there’s enough time to do just ONE more thing.
I start my new job tomorrow morning. Exciting because I love what I’ll be doing, my new company, and my co-workers (who are old friends)….scary as heck because I’ll be leaving my 2-yr-old and 5-mo-old with a friend for the first month or so before I can start working from home (it’s all part-time, but still, the baby’s not been with anyone other than myself or my husband for any length of time). Can I pump enough? Are they going to cry the whole time I’m away? Will the babysitter survive?
Anyway, so tonight I’m getting the house cleaned up and making sure diapers and everything are in place. Hubs is doing his part by having us order pizza for dinner.
Tomorrow is the 1st day of summer school, and although it’s just 4 hours, I know it’s going to kick my butt (anything new, you know). I need to lay out my work clothes and pack my healthy snacks. I also need to get my “stuff” together- all the crap I’m bringing with me.
One thing that is done is I just got my breakfast casserole out of the oven, which I plan to cut up and freeze for breakfast this week- it’s full of veggies, so I can start my day off strong (that’s the hope, anyway).
That breakfast casserole sounds awesome! More details??? Recipe?
Yes, recipe, please?
I have a routine list of chores that I do on weekends to prep for the work week. This weekend got thrown off track because we were helping a friend move — in 100 degree heat. There wasn’t much energy left after doing the moving to do any chores, so I took a nap this afternoon and will do the minimum – kitchen cleanup and finish the laundry – to get me through Monday. I also have to carve out a few hours to go through some old zip disks to find a template file I want to use for a project at work. That should be fun. :o/
Well….we had a very busy weekend – had a garage sale all weekend and just got home from visiting with friends. I’ve got to load the dishwasher and then fill out the paper work for my son’s day camp that starts tomorrow. There’s more I’d like to do, but it’s already past my bedtime… so everything else can wait. =)
Well, I need to leave “early” tomorrow morning to meet a colleague at school, which is about an hour and a half drive, so she can help me with the new class I’ll be teaching next year (I’m nervous about the new class). Okay, by “early” I mean around 8:00, which really isn’t that early. But you know how it is with the baby, the baby’s stuff, my stuff, etc. We just started our summer break a week ago, and all during the school year I left the house by 5:30 a.m., so I realize how stupid it sounds to call 8:30 early…but it’s early for vacation life. Anyway, right before I saw this post I was thinking I should pack up my son’s food and such so we can get out more quickly. I already picked out his clothes…but haven’t done anything about my own stuff…I’ll pack a lunch for me too. That’s all I can think of right now.