Let’s Get Grilling

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Heather says:

Memorial Day has already come and gone, but spring has been a little reluctant and slow this year. Down here in South Carolina, I’m just putting away the menus that focus on the stove and oven and turning my attention to cooler recipes that will keep the kitchen cool. Do you utilize your grill as much as you’d like? If not what holds you back?

Try to remember grilling is just like any other cooking technique, it takes a little bit of patience and practice to get it down. And for Pete’s sake do not let gender roles define whether or not you’re willing to learn. I swear if I see one more “Girls can grill, too” pitch in in my inbox  I just might lose my. . . stuff.  Seriously people, let’s try a different angle.

If you have questions about grilling, please ask them. I would love to know where you are running into trouble so I can help you out.

Getting Ready to Grill, the basics this includes the hand test – the quick and dirty way to figure out if your grill is actually as hot as the recipe asks.

Speaking of getting ready to grill, have you ever had an argument with a gas grill that just won’t get hot? There’s a reason and here’s how to fix it- Why Won’t My Gas Grill Get Hot

Are you biting the bullet and buying a charcoal grill? Here’s how to use a charcoal grill.

And here we look at flare-ups and keeping thin steaks from drying out.

So now, what about those recipes? And don’t worry, more will be coming, I’m ready to get back to it.



Are you ready to grill? What are you looking forward to making?

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