Countdown to Turkey Day: Do you Decorate?

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Welcome back. It’s the last weekend before the holiday. With all the preparation we’ve accomplished so far, you should be able to pretty much stay out of the supermarket except for a quick trip for the weekly necessities. Isn’t it funny how everyone insists on eating the rest of the time?. If you need to catch up on what we have covered so far in the countdown, here you go.

Decorating is such a personal decision. Socioeconomics, culture, and family traditions all drive these decisions. In Heather’s house, Christmas decorations don’t start to come out until well into December, while Lisa’s home is already fully decorated.

Whatever your choices are, if you plan on having some decorations up in time for or specifically for Thanksgiving, this is the time to get that project done.

Other minor to-dos today and tomorrow as we wind down the preparing stage and start putting everything into action.

If you set a formal table for Thanksgiving, do you need to pull china from storage? Do you have and use actual silverware? Does it need to be polished? What about a tablecloth, placemats, and napkins? Does anything need to be washed or ironed?

Do you have candles or a centerpiece? Do you plan on making one? If it’s the latter and you also work, not to be a noodge, but the clock is ticking.

Do you have a cooler out in the shed? Do some spiders need an eviction notice? Don’t forget to bleach that properly..

Where’s your turkey? It must be in your refrigerator now if it’s frozen and over 20 pounds. You don’t want a partially frozen turkey on Thanksgiving morning. If it is fresh, it should be at the store. If it’s 20 pounds or smaller, you don’t have to have it in the refrigerator yet, but it will need to be there soon.

While we have your attention, how is your table looking?


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