Clean It

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Help with cleaning your whole home

If you need encouragement ideas or are looking for posts that might be related to issues that could be related to anywhere in the home, This is the section.

The Home-Ec 101 Guide to Household Chemicals

Those videos on CleanTok sure are soothing to watch. However, here at Home-Ec101, we need you to know that it is absolutely not safe to just mix household chemicals without reading labels and knowing precisely what you are doing.

Mixing household cleaners can have deadly consequences. The most well-known no-no is mixing bleach and ammonia, but did you know it is also dangerous to mix bleach and vinegar? It’s true.

The people making the videos mean well, but please don’t follow their example. Stick to one type of cleaner per job and rinse well between. Yes, you can enjoy the acid-base reaction of vinegar and baking soda, that one is more of a fun chemistry experiment you can use to help clean your garbage disposal.

Be safe. We’d like to see you again.'s Guide to Household Chemicals

Cleaning relies on chemistry. Any chemist worth their salt knows that safety is rule one. Here's a guide to some of the most common products you'll find and use in your home.

How To Clean Home Appliances

How to Clean the Bathroom

Bright blue and white bathroom


Brightly light bedroom scene. Art over a bed with two pillows, one slightly rumpled. To the left of the bed on a nightstand is a dark lamp with a white lampshade.


Exterior Cleaning (Anything Outside the Home)

Flooring, Carpet and Rugs

Blue and white area rug



Need Laundry Help?

The “Wash It” Page has articles ranging from basic tips to freezing jeans, crayons in the dryer and lots more!

Living or Family Room*


Organizing The House

Spring Cleaning



Sharing is caring!

11 thoughts on “Clean It”

  1. I love this website. I am a new wife and mother and didn't take home ec growing up. I grew up in a single parent household and where everyone fend for themselves. I hope I didn't disappoint my husband with my lack of housekeeping skills. Now that our son is 1year I am able to do a lot more around the house. I want to run my household smoothly! Thanks again (found you from simplemom)

    • You're funny, April. Obviously, you meant that as a joke. Right? Has to be either that or comment spam to get your link up on this very popular, helpful site used by women and MEN of all ages….and nobody wants to think that about you, April. Good one, April.

  2. This website depicts women as housewives who can only cook, clean and do chores. Where are the pictures of men? Are men too superior to do housework? Seriously, get with the times. A woman's role is not in the kitchen.

    • seriously? have you gone through the site? I think a lot of the people who come here regularly would disagree with your opinion. Nowhere on the site is there anything that says women have to do all these things or that it's their exclusive domain.

      have a gander at the About page, /site-information-and-di…

      " is a site designed to teach real people, real skills, as they apply to real lives. Few people have the resources to keep up with the glossy magazines and the reality of television is it isn’t. Home-Ec 101 is an attempt to reach average people and teach them the domestic arts that make life a little less expensive, a little easier, and a little more enjoyable."

      from my (guy) perspective, the site provides a lot of life skills information that people may not have learned growing up. I know I've learned a lot from reading the posts here.
      My recent post Growing

  3. I have no intent to link to this site for promotion purposes. Nice try. Don't be so defensive, it's a great website for housewives who have nothing better to do with their lives than cook and clean for their husbands.

    • April, I removed your second comment for containing a personal attack. This is in violation of the Home-Ec comment policy. While I disagree with your opinion, you’re welcome to share it, provided you can do so without calling names, using hate speech etc.

    • If you don’t like our neighborhood here, then don’t visit. This site is not gender limited. Everyone needs daily skills. I’m sure there men and women without spouses that find this information very helpful. There is even a male post contributor. I’d like to read your blog.~Heidi

  4. I love this site. I am a full time working mom with two kids. My husband does the shopping and cooking while I do the cleaning and laundry. I am very ocd and don’t trust anyone. I had a cleaning lady in but felt she did not clean to my liking. I find this site very helpful and want to dismiss any previous views to the contrary. Thanks for all the great advice.

  5. Seriously? EVERYBODY has to cook and clean at some point, why not learn a better way? Keep on doing what you’re doing, Heather, cuz I plan to keep coming back!

  6. my deeper freezer came unplugged I would guess while we were loading up to go on vacation. We cleaned it out and I now do not resent my sons poopy diapers. However, there is still a slight smell to it. My wife says that the slight smell does not matter and we can start to restock food in it. Will storing food in it make you sick?


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