A Call for Your Questions

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Heather says:

The questions answered here at Home Ec 101 come from a variety of sources:

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • IRL friends
  • email to helpme@home-ec101.com
  • my weirdo imagination

I know the past couple of years have been a little different around here. I’m glad the bulk of you stuck around through it.  I thought I had it all together, but *snort* yeah, you just don’t know what you don’t know.

Anyhow, I want to toss out there a call for questions today. Feel free to just toss them in the comments or send them right to me (if you’re getting the newsletter) by hitting reply. Thank you, in advance. As always, I’ll never reveal who you are, unless you want me to. If you’re anything like me, growing up a latchkey kid and never actually taking Home Ec there’s bound to be something. There’s no judging.

Here’s a confession:

I switched hosting providers back in December and with that something about the email changed -where my app picks it up. And. . . I forgot to make that switch until about a month ago. Brilliant move, Heather, brilliant.

I think I was able to download everything that had been sitting in the queue and I think I answered everything people had sent to Helpme that was not a pitch or a link request. If I  missed your question, I am sorry.

I have a backlog of cookbooks to review including Joy of Kosher. I’ve been cooking again for a few months -some of it experimental and some of it really dang good, but the camera has been sitting neglected. It’s time to take the next step and get back to doing some of the want-tos in addition to the have-tos and should-dos.

I joked on Twitter the other day that it took a year, but now I’m eating kale (I moved to a very hipster part of town), the truth behind that is that I’m getting back to eating healthier and finally exercising. Kale just happened to be on special (and always is, maybe it’s waning as the best food ever, whatever, I’ll buy your cheap unloved produce).

Enough rambling, Heather.

Have at it, Home Eccers, what do you want to know?

Submit your questions to helpme@home-ec101.com.

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