How to Get Rid of Fish Odor in the Kitchen

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Dear Home Ec 101:
Help!  How do I get the fish stink out of my kitchen?  I’m trying to encourage an elderly dog to eat and someone recommended canned mackerel.
Mindy Mackerel

how to get rid of fish odor in the kitchen

Heather says:

Since your fish wasn’t cooked, only served. I bet a few drops of the foul smelling liquid are lurking.

Wipe down the counters and mop the area around the dog’s dish. It’s possible Fido didn’t use his napkin and dribbled fish juice. If the dog’s bowl rests on a mat wash this, too.

Guide to Household Odors
Click the picture for lots more tips!

Is it possible you wiped fishy hands on a kitchen towel? Toss that in the wash.

Did you drain the can in the garbage disposal without running water? It’s possible some of the stinky liquid splashed up onto the sides of the unit. [I’ve written about how to fix a stinky garbage disposal before.]

Good luck with your smelly situation.

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5 thoughts on “How to Get Rid of Fish Odor in the Kitchen”

  1. I do boil white vinegar to get rid of fish smells–just had to do it this week. I put a couple of cups of water in a small saucepan, along with perhaps a 1/2 cup of white vinegar and some nice-smelling things, like a cinnamon stick or whole cloves, a little vanilla extract or essential oil (I used rosemary oil the other night), and/or citrus rinds. I simmer it for at least an hour or two, and often leave the warm pan on the stove (burner off!) overnight. It really doesn't smell like vinegar, and it does the trick.

    Cleaning up the dog's area is the first step in your case, though, for sure! 🙂

  2. I try to open a couple of windows or crack them open slightly if it's winter. Then I toss some cloves and a few peices of broken cinnamon stick into a pot and simmer them for half an hour. Close the windows, light a few candles and enjoy the final air clearing ambiance (candles).

    @Sheri- I like the citrus rinds and vanilla ideas too.

  3. I recall my mother using lemon to rid of fish smells. I am pretty certain that she used to rub it around the benches and then wiped off with clean damp cloth.

  4. I tried all kinds of stuff, but my friend recommended a odor eliminator called roomSHOCKER. It works great on stinky fish and all kinds of other odors. It is environmentally friendly so I do not have to worry about it being harmful to my kids.


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