How to Grill Bacon

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Heather says:

Earlier this month here and on Facebook, I asked Home Ec 101 readers to submit their questions and concerns about grilling. Erica Mueller asked for tutorials including how to make bacon on the grill. Well Erica, yesterday it was 102ºF and a friend of mine mentioned California Dreaming and I couldn’t get their salad out of my head. It was far too hot to cook bacon in the oven, so I grabbed a quarter pound of bacon and an old, already warped sheet pan to conduct my latest grilling experiment. If you are lucky enough to have a cast iron skillet, use that instead.

Do not use your favorite sheet pan.

Do not use sheet pans with a nonstick coating. I buy my sheet pans from a restaurant supply store and rotate one or two into use as needed.

Do not grill bacon directly over the flame. You’ll create flare ups that will be hard to control.

Do enjoy tasty bacon from the grill.


It couldn’t have been easier. Start or light your grill. Arrange the bacon on your sheet pan, place the sheet pan over the grill and proceed to cook your bacon just as you would on the stove in a pan.

Just like when you cook bacon on the stove, you don’t want to toss cold bacon into a hot pan. Place the bacon in the room temperature pan and then proceed.

Since you typically have less control over the heat of the grill than you do the stove, it is important to not leave the bacon unattended. Try not to move it too much, but do rearrange if hot spots develop that would scorch the bacon. Also consider moving the pan on the grill or rotating it occasionally to ensure more even cooking. (Use a towel or oven mitt, metal conducts heat).

Charcoal grillers may want to note that this process is so quick that it would be wise to have other items to grill when the bacon is through. You don’t want to let those coals go to waste.

Within a few minutes, you’ll have bacon without heating up the kitchen.

I file that under: WIN.

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13 thoughts on “How to Grill Bacon”

  1. Woooot! Yes, I know about not grilling bacon straight on the racks… my brother in-law tried that once and boy, what a mess and a FIRE!

    I can’t wait to try this, cause I hate the bacon mess in my kitchen!

  2. @EricaMueller You still have to wash the sheet pan, but I think since you’re outside anyway, you can get away with giving it a good squirt with the hose before bringing it in. Just be sure to do that away from the house as some ants are attracted to grease.

  3. I never thought about doing bacon on the grill. I’m trying to get more comfortable using the ‘grown up’ grill and not relying on my George Foreman grill.

    Wow 102. It’s been really hot in Houston the last few weeks so I totally feel your pain.

    My cousin is getting married in an outdoor ceremony on Kiawah Island this afternoon, I hope the cake doesn’t melt.

  4. @bookchick The cake? Heck, I’m more worried about the bride. I’d probably elope if it came down to that or standing in the sun today.

  5. Heather – worry about the groom’s aunt (my mom). She doesn’t handle the heat well. 🙂

    They’ve rented a beach house for the week, my understanding was that if the weather was bad they would a very short ceremony outside under the porch awning. The bride was adamant about getting married on the beach.

  6. @HeatherSolos I’m thinking I’d try covering the pan with foil so I could just toss the foil. My brother and I will be making bacon burgers when he comes to visit after Type A Conference and we WILL be trying this! I have bacon in the freezer. haha

  7. @bookchick While I’m sorry her wedding day was less than perfect, my car’s thermometer said 104 this afternoon. I truly hope it was cooler than that on the beach AND that she chose to get married in the shade.

  8. I never would have thought to do bacon on the grill! Thanks for sharing how to do it (without burning yourself LOL)

  9. @HeatherSolos : They said it wasn’t that bad – at least being on the beach they had a pretty good breeze even though it was 98 on their deck.

  10. This is such a great idea. My husband and I love to throw some wood chips on our charcoal grill (smoke things) and I wonder if we could do that with grilling bacon?

    Great idea!

  11. I have a perfect way to cook bacon on the grill. Using a cast iron skillet cook bacon till almost done then place on grates for a few seconds. I do just a few at a time to avoid flare ups. Best bacon you will ever eat!

  12. I have a perfect way to cook bacon on the grill. Using a cast iron skillet cook bacon till almost done then place on grates for a few seconds. I do just a few at a time to avoid flare ups. Best bacon you will ever eat!


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