Heather says:
As you know, Home-Ec101.com works with Q-tips®. Did you know that Q-tips® cotton swabs do a lot of good? This summer Q-tips® cotton swabs brand is donating 1 Million Q-tips® cotton swabs to 3 charities that can use them daily – Operation Gratitude for care packages, Ronald McDonald House of New York for arts & crafts and Glamour Gals for intergenerational manicures & makeovers.
Visit Facebook.com/Qtips and SHARE to show your support!
And that’s not all, here’s another quick tip from Q-tips®. This month my suggestion is to use Q-tips® Precision Tips to apply grout sealant to stained grout (obviously this is tiled surfaces with thin grout lines). I have previously talked about How to Fix Stained Grout (and there is a video demonstrating the technique, SWEET!) You’d use the same technique, just with a small brush or disposable Q-tips® for smaller lines.
Just for fun I wanted to know what those of you on Twitter suggest as uses for Q-tips®.
@HeatherSolosUmmm. . . I’m rather fond of using Q-tips® for booger removal. I learned this watching boxing. . .works great!
— Sly (@SwampFoxSly) June 28, 2012
@HeatherSolos Cleaning lens around the edge and the threads that hold in the lenses of my binoculars.
— lowcountrywolf (@lowcountrywolf) June 28, 2012
@heathersolos I like to use Q-tips® to smudge my eyeliner for smokey eyes 🙂 They are also great for cleaning up stray nail polish.
— Andrea(LilKidThings) (@AndreaUpdyke) June 28, 2012
@HeatherSolos I use Q-tips® when applying makeup. They’re great for cleaning small mistakes off your face, or making the perfect smoky eye.
— Amy Bradley-Hole (@amybhole) June 28, 2012
And the lovely @janlnye said they make great cat toys, but she had a potty mouth, don’t mind her, she’s writing a book or three and that gets stressful. And someone else said they make great blow darts, but I didn’t think Q-tips would like that suggestion, no matter how much it made me giggle.
What uses do you have for Q-tips®?
This is a sponsored post. Q-tips® product was provided by Unilever, the makers of Q-tips®; my usage suggestions are my own and those of the Home-Ec101.com Community.
saw this img, thought about your site! http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m75jlnhJrS1qay553o1_500.jpg
i admit, though, it is not the best image. difficult to read that text
At Al-Anon, we use Q-Tips to help us deal with our Alcoholic loved ones who are sometimes difficult. And I’m not talking about the blow dart idea. We use Q-tip as an acronym. Quit Taking It Personally.