Heather says:
I’m a terrible procrastinator. Heck, I’ve even put off writing this post for *blush* weeks.
We have a saying in the restaurant industry, front of house at least, that has a broad application in life:
Full hands in, full hands out.
You look at that and say, Duh, Heather, that’s obvious. Of course, my house would be cleaner if I picked up things that need to be put away whenever I walked by.
Okay, so is your house perfect? Oh, it is? Here’s a gold star. The rest of you, instead of being snarky, how about giving it an actual try?
Somewhat related:
One of my favorites, in a special little snowflake kind of way, negative reviews of my book, was the one where someone said something to the point of, “You can find this information on the Internet.”
Because it’s not like the book was based on a website or anything. . .
My other absolute favorite negative review (and this one deserves to be quoted verbatim):
All this book did was tell you how to clean your house, how to schedule your cleanings, info about small home repair, etc. Not very useful at all.
Obvious doesn’t mean useless and sometimes we need to be reminded of things we should have been doing all along. I know I get lazy and stop putting things away, it’s human nature.
Some of you have requested that I post a reminder of the daily chores over on the Facebook fan page. Facebook has this thing called Edgerank, where Facebook automatically decides what is important enough to show up in the stream of updates -called a feed- that you see when you’re logged in. If you want to see a brand or fan page’s updates, you need to interact with the page regularly (a comment here or a like there, trust me, I hate even bringing this up, it feels smarmy), or Facebook will decide you don’t care about those things and they won’t show up in your feed. Does that make sense? I can go into more detail if you need it.
Back to reader questions tomorrow, and I have a stack of cookbooks to review over the next few weeks. Some of them I think you’ll really enjoy.
I have often said, “I knew that,” when I have read your posts. But, I have been a homemaker for over 20 years, so, I would hope so!!! I take for granted that what I do-ok, know to do, but put off too often- is a given, but I like your posts for that sense of solidarity. Also, I like that you are here for folks who are learning, a place to bring things to mind and cut down that 10 -20 learning curve. As for your book, what a blessing to have the information and ideas in one place and at your fingertips, a place to highlight and mark up and make it personal.
I have often said, “I knew that,” when I have read your posts. But, I since have been a homemaker for over 20 years, so, I would hope so!!! I take for granted that what I do-ok, know to do, but put off too often- is a given, but I like your posts for that sense of solidarity. Also, I like that you are here for folks who are learning, a place to bring things to mind and cut down that 10 -20 year learning curve. As for your book, what a blessing to have the information and ideas in one place and at your fingertips, a place to highlight and mark up and make it personal.
CyndiB19 there definitely is a learning curve. I know I was dropped into the deep end when I went from being a chef to parenting a colicky newborn (now we know why) but yeah. That was a rough, rough transition and if I make it easier for one other person out there, I think I’ve done my job.
Actually, I would have to say you are a good procrastinator, not a terrible one. See, you are GOOD at putting things off, so you are GOOD at procrastinating. It’s all about putting a positive spin on things, being the optimist. Get it? Haha!I have to admit, I do laugh at some people’s book reviews. If your book was titled The Greatest Novel Ever and promised suspense, romance, twists, etc, that I would complain if it was about housekeeping. But if it’s called Home-Ec: 101 (I’m not sure exactly what the title of your book is, just guessing based on your website) then I would *think* it was about basic setting up house, cleaning, small repairs, etc. And if you know all that stuff, why would you buy the book??? Do people not read what the book is about before purchasing? Gotta wonder about people sometimes!
KimberlyBloomSheehan It is! You can see the cover in the side bar, right over there ——> I mean, it says on the cover EXACTLY what it’s about, which makes the review, rather funny.And yes, I am a fantastic procrastinator, right now I’m avoiding today’s post by responding to comments. 🙂
You are awesome… and don’t ever forget it! I have been a life-long avid book reader and lover of learning, a college student of the home-ec textiles department 20 years ago, a home maker for 22 years, a wife for 18, a mom for 16, a home-ec college graduate for 4 years and (was) a Home-Ec teacher for 1 year … and there are so many cool and wonderful things I learn from you! There are many, many more that I am reminded of * ahem* far too often and others that I think, “Oh, I used to do that! I forgot all about it!” SO to the ‘snarky’ commenter/reviewer …. oh well! I love that you are witty, fun and keep it real without demeaning anyone; not the true beginner or the seasoned stay at home mom! I love that we can share ideas in the comments and learn from each other, too; and you are not above learning from us, either. You are a true internet friend and I appreciate you!Trust me, Home-Ec is the most used, most needed skill set on the planet …. and the least taught!Besides, what is life if you know everything?
deneicer1 Thank you so much for your kind words. And I think you are absolutely right about the skill set. There are very few people on the planet who can afford to be above it and yet. . .
If those reviewers are such home ec-sperts, why were they reading (let alone looking for) a book called “Home-Ec 101”? Hmmm…
MicheleN are you trying to bring logic and reason to the Intertetz? BAHAHAHAHAHA
MicheleN INTERNETZ… geeze Heather, have some coffee, please.
HeatherSolos MicheleN But Intertetz sounds so much hipper (as I try to type “hippier”… Espresso for all!). Come to think of it, maybe the Intertetz can just be the Internetz for all things logical. And reasonable! Hah! A girl can dream, right?