#HomeChat Transcript for January 4, 2011

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Heather says:
Angela posted the first half of Tuesday’s #Homechat. Here’s the second half and you can see that things really got rolling. There are a lot of great ideas for quick dinners. Toward the end of the chat there are some excellent suggestions for managing routines using apps or sites like Remember the Milk. If you choose to use Remember the Milk, don’t forget to add a reminder for Tuesday January 11, 2011, as we’ll be talking about Organization and the Lack of It.

See you next week!

  • heathersolos: @RevancheGS clothes mildew in the washer super fast around here. #homechat If I forget I have to rewash w/ borax
  • Daily_Pinch: @heathersolos Tissues are pretty bad too…. #homechat
  • heathersolos: @Daily_Pinch oh yeah, the great lint pick, no fun at all. #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: @MelindaHambyVA Funny how there are certain things that just make a morning run better. For me it’s the kitchen table. #homechat
  • Daily_Pinch: @heathersolos @RevancheGS white vinegar helps too. Smell goes away in dryer #homechat
  • heathersolos: @MelindaHambyVA getting up before the kids makes my life better #homechat Gotta start the coffee flow.
  • heathersolos: @Daily_Pinch yep, I don’t use fabric softener, chemical smells bug me. #homechat
  • MelindaHambyVA: @Daily_Pinch @heathersolos And crayons! #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: @Daily_Pinch: @heathersolos @RevancheGS That what I usually use for a rerinse-musty-smell problem. #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: I think my new resolution is to toss every marker in the house. 2 year old + markers = Creative Wall Art #homechat

  • smichnie: @HomeRoutines @heathersolos Here here! I try to time my showers for the final rinse cycle…the shock reminds me to change it! #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: @heathersolos Sauteed green beans. I usually have fresh or pre-cut frozen on hand. Rice. Christmas Chicken if I have cooked chickn #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: RT @heathersolos: What’s your favorite, oh crap it’s 6pm I have to cook meal? #homechat
  • carnellm: @HeatherSolos Frozen pizza!! #homechat
  • heathersolos: Tonight, ’cause I was slack, it was sausage, peppers and onions #homechat
  • MelindaHambyVA: @UntrainedHW We actually have black & white boarded several walls. They still hit the regular parts ignoring the coated sections. #homechat
  • heathersolos: @carnellm hey when there are teens in the house frozen pizza is a requirement, right? #homechat
  • NotoriousTBG: @heathersolos I’ve always tried to keep frozen beef patties on hand for uh-oh meals. DS would eat burgers every meal if allowed! #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: Christmas chicken is 1can whole cranbry sauce, 1/2 bttl french dressng, 1 pckg onion soup mix. Stir and pour over meat. EASY! #homechat
  • heathersolos: @pguyton pb&j is more of an assemble, but if it keeps you out of the drive through, it’s also a WIN #homechat
  • cnuttall: Calling @caviarandbanana for free delivery. RT @HeatherSolos What’s your favorite, oh crap it’s 6pm I have to cook meal? #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: @Daily_Pinch Yes but it’s hard to high gloss paint the baby. 😉 #homechat
  • jwynia: @heathersolos my dad had a Jack’s frozen pizza every night for something like 10 years. Big stack in the freezer. #homechat #homechat
  • Daily_Pinch: @UntrainedHW Sweet. Going to have to try that. #homechat
  • heathersolos: @cnuttall ah the only delivery we have is pizza #homechat Stuck in the Corner.
  • UntrainedHW: @Daily_Pinch Which has happened TWICE in the last month. Walls I’ve managed to scrub off thankfully. Lol! #homechat
  • heathersolos: @jwynia you make freeze ahead meals for your FIL, right? What are some of your favorites? #homechat
  • MelindaHambyVA: @heathersolos Spaghetti. I have frozen sauce (with veggies mushed in it) and it thaws in a pot while the noodles cook. #homechat
  • jwynia: @heathersolos one day, after all of that frozen pizza, he told my mom, “I think I’m done with frozen pizza” #homechat #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: @NotoriousTBG My husband loves a good cheeseburger too. We usually try to make our own now. #homechat
  • heathersolos: My mom’s oh crap dinner was tuna noodle casserole. If I never see that again. #homechat #himom 😉
  • Daily_Pinch: @UntrainedHW I remember those art work drawings. Now? Stickers on the wall in his room. #homechat

  • UntrainedHW: @Daily_Pinch It’s a great meal b/c you can have ingredients in pantry. Someone has a baby, gets sick, etc Poof! Instant meal. #homechat
  • heathersolos: Oh fett alfredo is quick, too: garlic, butter, parmesan and half and half #homechat
  • smichnie: @heathersolos Chix cutlets: top w sprig of Rosemary & sliced lemons Toss veg in for last few minutes (love Bok choy) moist & yum! #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: @heathersolos Pasta was our growing up. My Italian father. If dinner wasn’t started when he got home, we ate pasta. #homechat
  • heathersolos: @smichnie that sounds great, I do salmon like that in the oven. #homechat
  • TheBellWitch: @HeatherSolos my mom got us kids to do the laundry by telling us we got to keep whatever we found in the pockets incl. money! #homechat

jwynia: @heathersolos yep. We made chili (beef and white/chicken), lasagna, sloppy joe meat, pulled pork for sandwiches… #homechat

  • carnellm: @HeatherSolos Always! Especially teenage boys who are bottomless pits! #FrozenPizza #HomeChat
  • MelindaHambyVA: @cnuttall @HeatherSolos We live in the boonies, no delivery. #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: @TheBellWitch That was the rule at our house. If we found it, we kept it. I remember getting $50 bucks once! #homechat
  • TheBellWitch: @HeatherSolos Pepperoni pasta for that 6 pm oh crap #homechat
  • HomeRoutines: @HeatherSolos #homechat I saw Lifehacker’s post on streamlined mornings said “No coffee” #shakesheadidisbelief
  • NotoriousTBG: I’m going to create a home lamination kit for children. Dress ’em, laminate ’em. Wipe ’em clean. Cleanups will be so much easier. #homechat
  • ThatTeowonna: @HeatherSolos I made that the other night, but with linguine. You can also fry some extra crispy bacon & crumble on top! Delish! #homechat
  • Daily_Pinch: @UntrainedHW I always have those ingredeints as well. #homechat
  • Daily_Pinch: @UntrainedHW Oh, also. Italian meatballs, can of cranberry sauce and jar of heinz chili sauce. Heat, cranberry sauce dissolves. #homechat
  • heathersolos: @ThatTeowonna now that sounds fab. Pasta carbonara is quick, too. #homechat #nowI’mhungry
  • UntrainedHW: @HomeRoutines *shudders* Sounds like streamlined torture to me! #homechat
  • ShopperAnnie: @HeatherSolos mine is pasta with whatever!! #homechat
  • smichnie: #homechat Or anything w one pot! Just dumped tom, carrots, squash, zucc, kale & black beans in Chix broth/h2o w jalepenos until soft. Yummy!
  • UntrainedHW: @Daily_Pinch Mmmmm….Italian meatballs. #homechat
  • Daily_Pinch: @smichnie Sounds yummy. #homechat
  • heathersolos: Ha! RT @NotoriousTBG: I’m going to create a home lamination kit for children. Dress ’em, laminate ’em. Wipe ’em clean. #homechat
  • propellerhead1: @HeatherSolos @carnellm my teens love pizza, hot pockets , wings , taco salad and Mountain Dew #HomeChat
  • jwynia: @heathersolos basically, casseroles, soups, and fillings for sandwiches all make easily portioned freezer meals. #homechat
  • Daily_Pinch: @UntrainedHW It’s easy. We serve with brown rice and garlicky green beans. #homechat
  • seamshappy4812: #homechat Fav last minute meal is seriously doctored prego or ragu with penne or rotini and mozzarella fresh baguette Or Chinese takeout 😉
  • UntrainedHW: RT @ThatTeowonna: I made that the other night, but w/linguine. You can also fry some extra crispy bacon & crumble on top! Delish! #homechat
  • MelindaHambyVA: My sauce: can of crushed tomatoes, purred carrots, onions, garlic & celery, basil. Keep on low heat 30 minutes. Cool & freeze. #homechat
  • heathersolos: I bet my kids would dig that. RT @TheBellWitch: @HeatherSolos Pepperoni pasta for that 6 pm oh crap #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: @NotoriousTBG Well when you need tester children for your new invention, let me know. 🙂 #homechat
  • smichnie: RT @NotoriousTBG: I’m going to create a home lamination kit for children. Dress ’em, laminate ’em. Wipe ’em clean. Cleanups will be so much easier. #homechat
  • heathersolos: @smichnie that sounds a lot like our “Must Go” soup #homechat
  • carnellm: @Propellerhead1 Taco salad? are you nuts? Wings, pizza and hot pockets yes. And Mt Dew! @HeatherSolos #HomeChat
  • kooner923: @HeatherSolos rotisserie chicken and a frozen veg. #Homechat #quickdinner
  • NotoriousTBG: @UntrainedHW Thanks, but my daughter & SIL are making me one. Should be finished in April 😉 #homechat
  • justmalia: @MelindaHambyVA I should try adding carrots to mine! Great idea! #homechat
  • kooner923: @HeatherSolos autocorrect keeps wanting to change #homechat to #homewrecker kinda funny
  • smichnie: @Daily_Pinch Maybe a few too many jalepenos, but good! #homechat #mouthonfire
  • heathersolos: @kooner923 ha, I have homewreck101.com around here somewhere #homechat
  • jwynia: Our “oh crap, it’s late” dinner is frozen cheese and chicken ravioli we buy in bulk from a restaurant in WI. #homechat #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: My kids love nachos for a quick meal. We almost always have ground meat on hand, add cheese, tomatoes, etc. Bake to melt cheese. #homechat
  • jenniebfiechtl: spaghettios. not the best but works. :-/ @heathersolos: What’s your favorite, oh crap it’s 6pm I have to cook meal? #homechat
  • MelindaHambyVA: @justmalia It hides the veggies from the kids lol #homechat
  • heathersolos: @jenniebfiechtl oh Jenny, I’ve got your # and I am so going to use it soon. #homechat 😉
  • UntrainedHW: @kooner923 LOL! Guess it depends on how much I’ve let the clutter build up. 🙂 #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: @MelindaHambyVA LOL! Hidden veggies. Whatever it takes, right? #homechat
  • justmalia: @MelindaHambyVA Exactly! Brilliant! LOL #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: @jenniebfiechtl Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. *hides the pizza delivery boxes* #homechat
  • carnellm: @HeatherSolos Jenny Jenny I’ve got your number…. I remember that song! #HomeChat @jenniebfiechtl
  • jwynia: @heathersolos oh yeah, the other category is BBQ/grill like grilling 15 pounds of chicken wings and freezing in dozens. #homechat
  • heathersolos: @UntrainedHW oh man when I was finishing the book and writing about easy meals and eating pizza I felt SO GUILTY #homechat
  • foreverpix: @HeatherSolos Alfredo/cheese sauce kept in fridge for steamed veg grilled fish quick solution for whatever is available #homechat hi heather
  • smichnie: @UntrainedHW Nachos are great! Good way to clean out fridge & cupboards. I like mixing it up w fish, Chix, shredded pork. #homechat
  • carnellm: @foreverpix I am coming to eat at your house if that is the “quick meal’! Geez…. #HomeChat
  • UntrainedHW: @jwynia My father-in-law always grills lots of extras when he fires up the grill. #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: @heathersolos I totally get that. #homechat
  • heathersolos: We’ve got just about ten minutes left, what will you do to stay on track with your goals in 2011? #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: @smichnie Absolutely. Nachos are a great way to use up any of the “extras” you have. #homechat
  • jwynia: @UntrainedHW when the grill is hot, I run as much stuff over it as I can fit in the freezer. #homechat #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: RT @heathersolos: We’ve got just about ten minutes left, what will you do to stay on track with your goals in 2011? #homechat
  • heathersolos: Don’t forget if you’re roasting one chicken it doesn’t take any more energy to toss a second bird in there. #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: @jwynia Yep exactly. My MIL is the queen of old-fashioned recipes that really stretch the food into amazing meals. #homechat
  • smichnie: @jenniebfiechtl Not bad when you add other stuff! Kale, stewed tomatoes, diced carrots, onions… #homechat
  • carnellm: @HeatherSolos #HomeChat I got an accountability partner to keep me on track. Someone who will check in on me and support me.
  • heathersolos: @carnellm and knock you upside the head if you need it? #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: I think for me I just need to set a more REALISTIC schedule. Not overly detailed – more flexible. #homechat
  • MelindaHambyVA: @heathersolos I have put chores on my online calendar. I get an alert and know what to do when. #homechat
  • TheBellWitch: @HeatherSolos I’m printing 2011 goals out and posting them on the wall in the house so they can be seen #homechat

  • UntrainedHW: @carnellm Accountability partners can be really great for the boost (pinch, poke) you need sometimes. #homechat
  • heathersolos: RT @TheBellWitch: @HeatherSolos I’m printing 2011 goals out and posting them on the wall in the house so they can be seen #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: RT @MelindaHambyVA: @heathersolos I have put chores on my online calendar. I get an alert and know what to do when. #homechat
  • heathersolos: @Daily_Pinch yup spatchcocking not only sounds dirty it’s a great technique #homechat
  • jenniebfiechtl: @smichnie oh! I’ve never thought to add anything to them. That’s a really good idea! I might try mushrooms next time. Thanks! #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: RT @Daily_Pinch: @UntrainedHW You can also cut the back out of the chicken, lay it flat and roast in less than an hour. #homechat
  • foreverpix: @carnellm it’s all reheat & add sauce! Remember I microwave, hubby cooks…#homechat
  • smichnie: @heathersolos Vow to cook for the entire week at once, pack my lunch and stay away from processed food! #homechat
  • carnellm: @HeatherSolos You know it! It takes at least a knock upside my head to get me to pay attention. #homechat
  • simonashton: Is there going to be a #Homechat archive on Home Ec 101 or elsewhere even? (& not just for the 80s music jokes)
  • UntrainedHW: @MelindaHambyVA That is a great idea. #homechat
  • heathersolos: @smichnie go easy on yourself if you slip, that’s an ambitious goal. #homechat
  • propellerhead1: @carnellm the teenagers like Taco Salad, not me. #homechat
  • heathersolos: @simonashton maybe not this week. I didn’t investigate how to get a transcript. Great suggestion #Homechat
  • morriska372: @heathersolos I was just observing the party tonight. Didn’t have the energy to follow KWIM? Do you do this evry Tue? THX! #homechat
  • HomeRoutines: RT @heathersolos: We’ve got just about ten minutes left, what will you do to stay on track with your goals in 2011? #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: @simonashton We are hoping to post the transcript from the chats, yes. First time out – still figuring all the ropes! #homechat
  • heathersolos: @morriska372 This was the very first, but yes we’ll be back next Tuesday at 9:00 EST #homechat
  • jenniebfiechtl: @MelindaHambyVA I did the same! Set weekly & biweekly reminders on my phone calendar. #homechat
  • heathersolos: @kooner923 I like my own spices, ’cause I’m weird like that #homechat
  • DancingPigPots: hey @HeatherSolos can you recommend an easy method to prioritize & list goals/tasks on a daily basis?! thanx & loving #homechat
  • Daily_Pinch: @heathersolos Yep 🙂 I was going to say spatchcock, but didn’t want ppl to think I had lost my mind! #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: @morriska372 We will be here every Tuesday evening! #homechat
  • carnellm: @Propellerhead1 Taco salad would be fine… without the lettuce. #HomeChat
  • HomeRoutines: @HeatherSolos #homechat When I put chores on my calendar I got overwhelmed with “shoulds” as well as “must dos” like appointments
  • heathersolos: @DancingPigPots that’s a great question, I’ll investigate it for you. I don’t have anything off the top of my head #homechat
  • heathersolos: Suggestions for RT @DancingPigPots: can you recommend an easy method to prioritize & list goals/tasks on a daily basis?! thanx! #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: @DancingPigPots There are a couple things I’ve used – may need to do a pros/cons post for Untrained Housewife! #homechat
  • carnellm: @UntrainedHW The only way I can stay on track is if I have an independent auditor! Gotta have that nudge, or kick. #homechat
  • heathersolos: @HomeRoutines eh the shoulds are the ones that can slide, but I feel your pain. Secure, fed, clean those are the priorities. #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: @DancingPigPots We’ve started using Cozi because my husband can update from his phone, and I from home. Handy family schedule. #homechat
  • carnellm: How can you not follow a person with a twitter handle of @DancingPigPots ?!? #HomeChat
  • UntrainedHW: @carnellm I totally understand that! I work much more focused with a deadline. #homechat
  • morriska372: I will say 1 thing tho. I decided that instead of NY resolutions that I wld break, I am donating – random act of kindness style #homechat
  • smichnie: @jenniebfiechtl Oh yeah! Great way to add healthier ingredients, reduce sodium & stretch meals! #homechat
  • heathersolos: @morriska372 I love RAOK great goal! #homechat
  • jenniebfiechtl: @carnellm @heathersolos that song is now stuck in my head. Thanks kids. #homechat
  • morriska372: Such as… 10 (yes I said 10!!!) rolls of curling ribbon collecting dust will go to the local small town florist where I live. #homechat
  • smichnie: @heathersolos And necessary, says my wardrobe 🙂 #homechat

UntrainedHW: @HomeRoutines I always try to remember that urgent isn’t important, and important is seldom urgent. What is IMPORTANT? #homechat

  • UntrainedHW: Thank you all so much for coming – this hour is just flying by! We’ll be back next week to talk about organization! #homechat
  • carnellm: @jenniebfiechtl @heathersolos Would thought you would have been way tired of that song by this time in your life. 8675309….. #HomeChat
  • heathersolos: Thank you so much for joining the first #homechat You can always find me on https://home-ec101.com and Ang @ http://untrainedhousewife
  • foreverpix: @HeatherSolos @dancingpigpots check out rememberthemilk.com or use the tasks pane in gmail or google calendar #homechat
  • carnellm: @UntrainedHW Tasks without deadlines don’t need doing. They are merely dreams. If it is important, it has a deadline. #HomeChat
  • smichnie: True! RT @carnellm: How can you not follow a person with a twitter handle of @DancingPigPots ?!? #HomeChat
  • MelindaHambyVA: RT @carnellm: @UntrainedHW Tasks without deadlines don’t need doing. They are merely dreams. If it is important, it has a deadline. #HomeChat
  • morriska372: @HomeRoutines re prioritization. I stopped b/c I kept failing at it. Instead I set 10-15 min timers to do stuff I need to do. #homechat
  • propellerhead1: @HeatherSolos thanks for helping to host #homechat, was late but enjoyed what I saw
  • UntrainedHW: RT @heathersolos: Thanks 4 joining the 1st #homechat You can find me @ https://home-ec101.com & Ang @ http://untrainedhousewife
  • UntrainedHW: @smichnie I’m glad you did! Join us next week at the same time. 🙂 #homechat
  • morriska372: @HomeRoutines like for 10 mins pick up toys, organize a drawer, etc. I work better wo a big list which makes me procrastinate. #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: @morriska372 I can’t tell you how much stuff I get done in those magical ten minute gold-nuggets of time. #homechat
  • smichnie: @morriska372 @homeroutines Great way to clean the house! A timer for 15 min in each room is easier. #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: @morriska372 With four littles at home, that’s usually the most I get before hearing, “Mom! Can you….” Lol! #homechat
  • jenniebfiechtl: @UntrainedHW @heathersolos thanks for #homechat! Bummed I dropped in so late but setting reminder on my phone for Tuesdays at 9. Thanks!!
  • Daily_Pinch: RT @heathersolos: Thank you so much for joining the first #homechat You can always find me on https://home-ec101.com and Ang @ http://untrainedhousewife
  • simonashton: @UntrainedHW @heathersolos thanks – that was fun (even to mostly lurk) #homechat
  • carnellm: @simonashton You are a #HomeChat stalker! Scary…
  • UntrainedHW: RT @carnellm: @UntrainedHW Tasks w/o deadlines don’t need doing. They are merely dreams. If it is important, it has a deadline. #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: RT: @morriska372 @homeroutines Great way to clean the house! A timer for 15 min in each room is easier. #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: The transcript for tonight’s #homechat is http://ow.ly/3yqSW I’ll do a “pretty” post tomorrow. 🙂
  • UntrainedHW: More than 350 tweets by over 50 tweeters in the first-ever #homechat by @UntrainedHW and @HeatherSolos – thank you all so much!
  • carnellm: BTW, for tasks and todos, I used Toodledo. Web-based, free but with apps for iPhone, iPad, Android, etc #homechat @Heathersolos @ForeverPix
  • morriska372: Good idea!RT @UntrainedHW: RT: @morriska372 @homeroutines Great way to clean the house! A timer for 15 min in each room is easier. #homechat
  • morriska372: @carnellm Will check out Toodledo. I have to carry a droid for wk so I can’t get the fancy iphone apps 🙂 #homechat
  • Suburban_Farmer: I’m sorry – I had no idea this was going on tonight…maybe next time I can catch it #homechat
  • UntrainedHW: @Suburban_Farmer Definitely stop by next week – we’ll be chatting about organization. (Or lack thereof) (*wink*) #homechat
  • DSAldridge: I was unaware of #homechat too! I just got back to being on Twitter, so I’m out of the loop. Will catch the next one for sure!
  • Suburban_Farmer: @UntrainedHW Oh YEAH! I remember organization….had something to do with being able to find everything, right? #homechat
  • BetsiGreen: ?@HeatherSolos: Pens and chapstick in the laundry are the worst. #homechat I really should be better about pocket checking? <~ #Gum!
  • UntrainedHW: @DSAldridge It’s a brand new chat hosted by @HeatherSolos and myself. Tonight was the 1st night so we’re still spreading the word. #homechat
  • morriska372: @UntrainedHW @HeatherSolos And we don’t have to RSVP, just show up, right? #homechat
  • heathersolos: @morriska372 yes ma’am we’re quite informal, a little sassy, and not at all perfect #homechat

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