It’s Our Birthday and We’re Throwing a Party

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Heather says:

We are turning one on Saturday! It’s hard to believe a year ago the Internet had not heard of the wonder that is Home Ec 101. In this time, we have shared ways to rid your life of every bodily fluid you have dared mention, shared well over one hundred recipes, doled out tons of advice on cleaning and motivation, and added over fifty frugal and homemaking bloggers to our aggregator. In honor of this auspicious occasion we’re holding a contest.

You ask, “How do I enter?”

Simply comment below. If you have a blog please write a post to spread the news. If you do not have a blog, how retro is that, share the news via email or just shout it from the rooftops.

Here is the list of prizes:

The contest begins today and runs through 12am EST on Saturday. The drawings will be held through random selection and announced on Saturday. When commenting be sure to use a valid email address to ensure we are able to contact the winners.

Get ready, get set, comment!

*Only US and Canadian residents are eligible for the slow cooker, overseas shipping is not in the budget.

Sharing is caring!

124 thoughts on “It’s Our Birthday and We’re Throwing a Party”

  1. Happy Birthday!!! I recently discovered y’all and there’s nothing like a party to kick things off. I’ve enjoyed your tips, etc. so far and look forward to many more.

  2. happy birthday to you! (on my birthday as well!!) i’m always up for a giveaway….and my new house can always encourage me to find ways to spend money at Home Depot! hint hint….

  3. wow, it’s been a whole year already?! doesn’t seem like it’s been that long. happy birthday home-ec101!

    you’re just trying to get rid of those shirts cluttering up your closet, aren’t you 🙂

  4. Happy Birthday Home-Ec 101! My life’s ever so much better and organized now. 🙂
    And of course I’ll blog about it.. I wanna share the love!

  5. I love your site…It’s one of the few I check most every day. Great recipes, advice and humor. Thank you for all of your hard work this past year…

  6. Congratulations! What an accomplishment! And with all this content, I never would have guessed it’s only been a year.

  7. Has it been a year already?!? I’ve learned so much from your site and had fun reading it; its hard to believe its been a year! Looking forward to learning more and laughing more for a very long time with you all!

  8. Barkeeper’s friend, I love that stuff!
    And every busy grad. student needs a 3-in-1 cooker. 🙂

    Happy Birthday!

  9. Happy birthday, Home Ec! You two have done such a terrific job with this website. It’s fun to read and helpful too. (Plus it’s so much more motivational than getting 3852 emails a day.) May your second year be even better than the first. XOXO

  10. happy birthday!! pleese enter me and btw shipping of a slow cooker sure is expensive, unless you say, uh, live 20 minutes away? 🙂

  11. Bar Keeper’s Friend is a soft scrubbing powder that’s gentler than all the rest. Good stuff!
    Happy Birthday to Home Ec 101!

  12. Happy Birthday to you! I love this site and it has been so useful in the past. 🙂 I would love to win your generous giveaway. It seems we should all be giving you a gift, and here you are offering to give one of us one!

  13. Happy Birthday!

    I found this site about a month ago and I’m loving it and it’s become one of my morning reading sites.

    Would love to be entered in your giveaway…I do agree however with The Chatty Housewife saying “It seems we should all be giving you a gift, and here you are offering to give one of us one!”

  14. I’ve been reading home-ec101 every few days since you started, Heather, and I love it, but!!!! I miss you over at KF!!!

  15. Happy Birthday!!! My birthday is coming up soon, too (next week!) and I am dying for a slow cooker. Haha, but, really, someone should be giving YOU a birthday gift. Thanks for all the amazing tips! Here’s to many more years!

  16. congrats! keep up the good work. though i’m relatively new to your blog i find it informative and fun. happy birthday.

  17. Happy Birthday Home-Ec 101!!! Here’s to many more!
    I’ve shouted it far and wide to the point of annoyance. I think if my typing did have a voice, I could put Fran Drescher to shame.

  18. Happy Birthday to an awesome website! Congrats on your 1st year, Heather and Ivy. If you are having a party let me know, I will make a cake!

  19. Happy Birthday! Mike sent me over. Looks like a great blog you have. I’ll be back in a while as I’m just taking a break now. Enjoy the anniversary! 🙂

  20. just stumbled upon your web site……love it
    keep up the awesome posting
    kathey – mom to 8 awesome kids and wife to one fantastic hubby

  21. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Home Ec 101, Happy Birthday to you!
    P.S. Free t-shirts are the best kind.

  22. Happy Birthday! How nice I would find you on your birthday! I’m looking forward delving into your archives.

  23. Happy birthday! I discovered you over the holidays with the cookie recipes and have been here since – keep going 🙂

  24. Happy Birthday. I just found this site and I am sure I will be back for more.
    Please add my name for the contest!! 🙂

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