What is Fearless Friday?

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Heather says:

So, what’s the deal with this Fearless Friday series?

Not everyone is adventurous in the kitchen. Many of us have a narrowly defined menu that we chose from week in and week out. The same ingredients, the same techniques, the same flavors. These ruts develop either by habit of by a distrust of the unfamiliar. If I expect the readers of Home-Ec101.com to be fearless and push their boundaries I have to, as well. Those of you who follow me on Twitter (under the incredibly creative name @heathersolos) know I’ve been experimenting with an interesting ingredient in an attempt to make tasty stock.

I’m announcing Fearless Fridays. What are they? Simple, it’s a chance for you to brag or moan about your successes or failures. Big or small, win or lose, the steps you take toward expanding your horizons are an experience in growth. We’ll learn to shrug off our mistakes and discover some tasty things along the way.

Who is willing to step up to the challenge and play along? If you have a blog, I’ll soon have a badge for these events. Our good friend Andre Pope of 803 Labs was kind enough to whip this graphic up for us.

Sharing is caring!

11 thoughts on “What is Fearless Friday?”

  1. I don’t have a blog, but I might start one just for this series. At this point, turning on the stove would be brave for me. My diet is almost 100% frozen meals.

    I love your site!

  2. When I was 17 I made my first turkey. I used garlic, and sage, lemons and oranges, and salt and pepper.

    The turkey turned out fantastic, the resulting gravy did not. Apparently the oranges and lemons give the turkey a nice taste but give you a REALLY acidic gravy that absolutely NO ONE wants to eat….

  3. I can’t wait! I just need to get back in my kitchen and make ANYTHING at this point. We have been eating out every night. I’ve always wanted to do my own baked goods. I can’t bake!!! Maybe trying will help motavate me

  4. So…how does this work? We post it on our blog and link to it here? Or..put it in a comment? And what do we do with the cute little picture ^up there^ ? This is too hi-tech for me…

  5. Well, the point is it to be fun. On Friday morning I’ll put up a post with this week’s adventure in the Solos kitchen. I’ll include a Mr. Linky where people can leave links if they have a blog and if they don’t they can brag in the comments.
    It’s simply mean to be a fun exercise at pushing our own boundaries.
    I’m thinking of maybe offering prizes in the future, but I haven’t thought that through enough at this point.
    If you have a blog, use that code to put the picture in your post without having to upload it to your site. When you are writing your post, you’ll need to put it in the HTML editor not the VISUAL editor or you’ll just see code.

  6. I’ll play! 🙂 Matter of fact, I tried something this week that was a flop! I was trying to figure out when to talk about it on my blog. I’ll get a post written up and link up tomorrow. 🙂

  7. Put up the button-I try new things occasionally, so the next time I do, I’ll link up – can’t wait to see everyone’s challenges and wins in the kitchen!

  8. I don’t do a blog, so I’ll comment as I attempt to be brave in the kitchen more often.
    One recent triumph of bravery: I normally hate to bake cookies. I whine about the time it takes to bake one tray after another (sorry, but it is unflatteringly true). But my youngest daughter was getting married and we were doing a cake and cookie reception so I had to bake my share (40 dozen!).
    So I took my big girl pill, picked out some recipes, loaded up with ingredients, and just did it.
    And it was fun! I loved the cookies I made and plan to bake some of them again next week for a bake sale at my church (pecan crescents … yum!)
    It’s (almost) enough to get me to make a pie crust …… but I’ll get brave another Friday for that.
    Thanks for the challenge!


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