Heather says:
Let’s give my pal Crystal a round of applause. She saved herself $95 by tackling basic home appliance repair. Not too bad for 1.5 hours worth of work, including the trip to the part store.
She IMed me asking if I knew anything about dryer repair. I suggested she check and see if the belt was broken and linked her to how to install a dryer belt.
After unplugging the dryer and armed with a screwdriver, putty knife, flashlight, and ratchet set she followed the instructions on the site.
The dryer belt was intact, and she referred to another website for suggestions. This site suggested she check the motor, pulley, and door switch.
Using her astute powers of observation she quickly ascertained it was the pulley. A quick trip to the parts store and she returned armed with a new belt and pulley. The original belt was not broken, but had received a lot of wear and damage from the pulley.
While the dryer was disassembled she plugged it in (keeping her hands clear) and made sure the motor ran smoothly.
The most difficult part of the task was threading the belt through the pulley, but between a picture on another site and some advice from the parts store employee she handled it easily. With the belt rethreaded, she reassembled the dryer and gave it a test run.
Remember when you first begin tackling basic repairs, the Internet is an amazing tool for information, but don’t forget there are other resources. Do you have handy friends or relatives? In Crystal’s case the parts store employee was willing to answer her questions and she saved a good chunk of change by being willing to ask. No one is born born knowing how to fix everything and most people enjoy sharing their knowledge.
Way to go Crystal. Thank you for sharing your newfound knowledge and for the pictures, too.
I LOVE YOUR BLOG!! And I’ve nominated you for the Thinking Blogger Award…drop by Granny’s House and check it out 🙂
WOW! Great job on the dryer.