Dear Home Ec 101,
How should I deal with all the whiskery bits left behind after my husband shaves?
~Mrs. Claws
Heather says:
In celebration of the season, we’d like to present our advice in song.
Sing to Up On The Rooftop
Manly whiskers in my sink
well thank goodness, they don’t stink
Clean them out with a foxtail brush
Whatever you do, don’t let the water rush.
Shaving in my bathroom buzz, buzz, buzz
Now no more messy whisker fuzz
I fixed this problem by buying him a shaving mirror that hangs in the shower and doesn’t fog up. Now said whiskers are washed down the shower drain. Handy for us gals too what with make-up removal and all!
Nice fix! I will try that one too…
I just threatened mine with bodily harm…it worked too. To bad it hasn’t worked in getting him to put his dirty clothes in the hamper and not on the floor surrounding it.
I had a friend with that shirt next to the hamper problem. She took the shirt off the floor and folded it back up in his drawer. When he smelled funky at work and asked her about it, she said, it wasn’t in the hamper so I assumed it was clean. ~_^ lol