Site Admin Saturday: Winner of Notes on Cooking & Other Odds and Ends

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Heather says:

First of all congratulations to commenters #82 Rachel & #11 @StacyHuggins (who knew begging would convince  they are the winners of the Notes on Cooking giveaway.

Next up, I’m working on a project and I need a description of what brings the readers of Home Ec 101 back time and again. So tell me, what is it that brings you back to this site?

If you live in the US and your area observes Daylight Savings, don’t forget to set your clocks back or we’re all going to point and laugh at you. While you’re at it, change the batteries in your smoke detectors.

Last of the odds and ends, tomorrow starts the Countdown to Turkey Day series. I’m hosting a preview Thanksgiving at my place, tomorrow, to get pics of all the menu items I’ll be including in the series. I’m excited and I hope the light is favorable for some good food pics.

Happy Halloween and be careful out there.

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18 thoughts on “Site Admin Saturday: Winner of Notes on Cooking & Other Odds and Ends”

  1. i come back because of all the great tips and tricks you, the guest bloggers and all the other commenters provide. Some of it is stuff I know already, others are things that never would have occurred to me.

    There is much value to be found here. You've done a great job with HE101 Heather!

  2. You not only have excellent writing skills, but your content is superior as well. Unlike a lot of frugal blogs that focus on shopping, you have practical advice on being a successful homemaker, while saving money.

  3. I come back for the combination of information and snark. It's not often you find somebody who can balance the two as well as you.

  4. I agree with the comments above–good recipes especially, but the "snark," personality, and overall conscientiousness are what I like. Also, as Tara said, my momma didn't teach me these things either. Also, I think the recipes are explained well, and the photos are helpful.

  5. I come back because I need exactly what you offer… all the stuff my momma didn't tell me! And I love your writing style and how the community of commenters are normally quite sane and polite (a rare thing on most websites these days). I also like how you encourage frugality without being completely over the top about it.

  6. I keep coming back for A FRESH APPROACH to the age old questions, "what's for dinner?" and "how do I do that?"

    I am a well skilled cook and have learned many things. In fact, my FEARLESS FRIDAY was making Momma's homemade dumplins. We love TOUGH dumplins and I had never made them before, Momma always did.

    Thanks for a great website!
    Karen V

  7. I keep coming back because this site has great content, but it's delivered in a snarky manner! I love that! A lot of household helper blogs are just…..*SNOOZE* and let's face it, homemaking is pretty damned funny at times. I'm pretty sure that at least a HANDFUL of us has changed a really NASTY diaper and gone back to making supper….only to realize that you forgot to wash your hands. Gooooood times!!! At the heart of it, homemaking is multitasking…and that is nearly ALWAYS the kiss of death for a Mommy who needs a clean house, dinner on the table, and her SANITY…….because the company is going to be there at 7. 😀

  8. I come back because you answer my stupid questions. BTW, freezing the onions worked great. I processed a whole bag at once, and now I don't have to clean up the food processor every time I need to use an onion. Used one last night and it worked quite well.

  9. I come back because I feel very comfortable on this site. There is humor, good information and a general FRIENDLY feeling on this site. 'Tis not every site that you can say that about! I love the cleaning and budget tips, most of all. I am not much of a chef and probably never will be (or not until the kiddos all get older and have a more mature pallet).

  10. Your humor and down-to-earth writing style makes this site MUCH more accessible and readable. I don't ever feel content is dumbed-down to the lowest common denominator, or that I'm being patronized–I'm looking at you, Martha!

    I like that you seem to approach housekeeping with intelligence, honesty, a little know-how and a lot of humor. It makes this section of my life feel more like a fun science experiment rather than a college course I'm making an F in.

  11. I enjoy the content, the folk who comment, and learning to do things. For example, the toaster pastry recipe. I'm trying it 🙂 and thank you for trying it first.

  12. I especially like the recipes you give. I really like Fearless Friday. Your confessions of real life goofs also makes me feel good about my own goofs. I've been doing this frugal thing since 1980 and cooking from scratch all that time and I can still learn new things. Thanks.


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