Ivy reviews the Micro Fiber Miracle Cloth

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WinkIvy says:

If I had new cleaning toys to test out every day, I’d have a spotless house. Nothing motivates me to do some cleaning like  yummy new cleaning toys. Tonight, I bought the Micro Fiber Miracle Cloth at Bed, Bath, and Beyond for $9.95.

It comes with 4 cloths, one big one, 2 medium ones, and one small one for optical stuff. The box claims you will “breeze through everyday cleaning chores without chemicals.” I must say, it really does work. I used one dry to dust, then I ran it under the faucet to use it wet. This is when the Miracle Cloth really shines. I used it to wash the fingerprints off my walls and it worked as well as the Magic Eraser. I wiped down my doors, same results. Fab.micro fiber cloth review

I then took it through the REAL test, cleaning my bathroom. It powered through the funk on my bathroom sink right away, and then did the same for my bathtub. I put it in the laundry basket and several minutes later, it was dry. Drying quickly is a major bonus, it’s not breeding moldy funk.

I  took a clean, damp one and wiped down my mirrors. I had to use a dry one to get it streak-free, but that’s okay. It’s as easy as using Windex, and less time consuming since I don’t remember where I put the Windex last time I used it.

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I haven’t yet run it through the laundry to make sure it still works as well once I have washed it, but I will update the post once I have. So far, I give this product 2 thumbs up, it’s awesome.

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11 thoughts on “Ivy reviews the Micro Fiber Miracle Cloth”

  1. I have ONE of those from Pampered Chef and I think it cost $7-8! I really like it though, I mainly use it for dusting my groovy bedroom furniture. It acts like a Swiffer cloth and traps the dust instead of sending it flying all over the room just to resettle. I should get a pack or two these you write about and use them for more cleaning chores.

  2. Ivy, do you get the soap funk in your sink? Cause if it worked on that, I’ve GOT to get it. Right now, I have to spray CLR and wait a half hour THEN it MIGHT come off! What’s up with the soap funk, that stuff’s the BANE of my existence!!!

  3. I’m so glad you chose to review these! I have been seeing the new microfiber cloths out everywhere and I wondered how they worked but didn’t want to spend the money. I guess I will have to invest in some so I can go to town cleaning with a new toy.

  4. Malia, I got this great mental image of you rockin’ the groovy bedroom: shag carpeting, lava lamp, beaded curtain, mirrored ceiling, and disco ball.

    Far out.

  5. I don’t know if they’re miraculous, but I like ’em a lot. I’ve also discovered you can get the identical cloths for much less from http://www.microfiber.org/.

    Knitaddict, if you’re talking about the soap scum from bar soap, there’s an easy solution — switch to liquid! Much less messy. 🙂

  6. That sounds like it might be a good investment.

    I read “streak-free” as “steak-free” and I was like, “Who rubs steak on their mirrors?”

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